Enjoy Sara Evans and Support a Great Cause
We are happy to support and honor our past customer Patty Pollatos by donating to the Patty Pollatos Fund. Please look for our ad while enjoying an awesome night on August 25th at the Family Fundraiser FUNomenon with Sara Evans and Hunter Hayes! Tickets are still available, click here.
For those of you who are not familiar with this organization, the following has been taken directly from the PPF Inc. website. “The Patty Pollatos Fund is a 501-c-3 and was established in memory of Patty Pollatos who died of cancer on September 18, 1992. Patty lived in the New Market/Mt. Airy area all of her life. Because of this disease Patty was financially devastated and about to lose her house. All she wanted was to die with dignity in her home with her family. I organized a fundraiser with her family and friends and in 30 days we raised $20,000.00 to honor Patty’s wish. She was a fighter and an inspiration to all of us. It’s hard to put into words what happened to me after Patty’s death. I do know that God called me to fundraising to Praise him and honor Patty. I have tried to be obedient and pray that I have ears to hear and eyes to see where my Heavenly Father leads me. Our organization is 100% volunteer. No money given by the PPF to any charity or group may be earmarked for salaries. Our mission is to raise money for The Hospice House, needy cancer victims, Alzheimer’s, Heartly House, Red Cross, Scholarship money for our youth and other worthy charities in the Frederick/Mt. Airy area. We are proud that through the dedication and generosity of many, to date over $2,000,000 has been raised for the Frederick County Community. This does not count the materials, services and labor donated to the building of the New Frederick County Hospice House. 100% of all money raised going back into the community. There is no overhead because everything that is needed to put on our fundraisers is donated. One project you might be familiar with was “The House That Love Built”, back in 1998 which the community helped us build in the Jefferson area free. We raffled the house and donated to Hospice over $200,000.00 Other annual fundraisers are J Bar W Ranch Rodeos, as well as the The Jim Grimes Boss Hoss Cycles & Trikes of Frederick, IBR Bull Riding Extravaganza , and our newest fundraiser Family Fundraiser FUNomenon @ the Frederick Fair Grounds. If you would like to donate your time, services or money to any of the above events please e-mail us any time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many volunteers and business that have already become a part of this wonderful calling. One person can make a difference: together we can change the world. May you always allow God to be with you and listen for your calling. He is always knocking. “